About Leah

Hi, I'm Leah

A few things about me: 

My nails are never clean and pretty. Partly, that's a florist thing, and partly it's because I can't keep my hands out of my garden, and I hate to wear gloves. 

Most of my conversations involve flowers, talks about construction trucks with my toddler son, answering a million questions for said toddler, and talk about and to our dog, Pixel. Sometimes, these conversations involve all of these topics, but then it's usually a story involving a lot of expletives about something my adorable a**hole dog did to my garden or why the entire yard is not fair play as my son’s personal construction site. 

Pixel and skunks are not friends; she's been sprayed 7 times in her 3 years of life. Cleaning skunk off a dog at 11 at night (always when you're about to go to bed) has been a great team building exercise for me and my husband. 

I married into the last name "Bloom," and it's only part of the reason I married my husband.

I could live off of cheese and chocolate alone, but, I love tart tea and strong cocktails, too.

I'm a big reader, but when my hands are full of flowers, you can find me listening to podcasts. Honestly, I don't know how I ever did flowers without the companionship of podcasts. (Email me if you want a list of my favorites.) 

I love geeking out over flowers, and it never gets old when someone wants me to be a part of their wedding!